Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. ~Jane Howard

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Ben, as most people know, is an avid golfer.  It was his high school sport, he has enjoyed it for many years, and he and his best high school friends have formed this intense yearly tournament called the K2K Tournament of Champions. Myself, on the other hand, joined the 8th grade golf team with my friend Anna because we didn't want to play softball and we got out of school for the entire day for tournaments! I did attempt golf camp when I was young; but on my first day a girl got hit in the face on someone's backswing and I told my mom I would not be returning because golf was too dangerous. I also have fond memories of my Grandpa taking me golfing while visiting for the summers... those memories are wonderful!

So, as Ben prepares almost every weekend for the 4th annual K2K, I have been joining him at the driving range. I'm one of those people who loves doing anything athletic and outdoors and of course now want to begin golfing all the time! My amazing husband surprised me with a new set of clubs. Of course I want an entire new golfing wardrobe- but Ben says I must prove I actually like playing first, but I did convince him to buy me a glove:)

Ben and myself had our first golf game last Saturday. I got to test out my new clubs!

Such great memories of me and my Grandfather! I'm guessing this was summer of 1992 in San Antonio, TX. 
I just couldn't resist adding Ben's senior golf team photo. This was a 11 years ago!  

1 comment:

  1. Sis, I love your blog! I think it is just great!... I love it so much that I think you should POST on your FB that you started a Thompson blog ;) !!
